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How To Make Seamless Custom CubeMap?

I'm currently working on a Three.js project, and I'm aiming to create a seamless cube map. To achieve this, I created six planes and assembled them into a cube. Then, I utilized a shader to generate noise (these are not textures) on the cube's faces.

you can already see the distortion between the cube faces. ![Screenshot 2023-07-22 125119|400x499](upload://actD5KIZVyG9ZW8Q7ZQhwcBahHX.png)

I also implemented a process in the shader to undo the transforms for each mesh, which effectively keeps the noise in place, resulting in a cube map-like object as you can see in the first image below.

At first glance, the cube map appears seamless, enter image description here but upon closer inspection, slight distortions are visible at the edges. This becomes a bigger issue when I attempt to convert it to a normal map, resulting in poor lighting. Regardless of the method I try, I always end up with seams where the edges of each face of the cube touch.

(front bottom edge and bottom top edge distortion): enter image description here

zoomed-in look, you can see how to start to converge. enter image description here

Any guidance or solutions to achieve a truly seamless cube map would be highly appreciated. I've looked through various resources, but I couldn't find a comprehensive explanation or tutorial specifically tailored to creating seamless cube maps in Three.js .

It took some time to put together but here is a working example of my code: EXAMPLE