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Here's a cheeky workaround you can use.

First we define an empty struct, so it doesn't actually increase the memory allocation of our components:

public struct NamespaceHint 

Then we give it a PropertyDrawer (placed in a folder called "Editor") that prints out the fully-qualified name of the component it's attached to:

public class NamespaceHintDrawer : PropertyDrawer
    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        var t = property.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType();        
        EditorGUI.LabelField(position, t.FullName);

Then for any type that's ambiguous, we can add a little hint at the top of the inspector:

namespace Player
    public class Controller : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] NamespaceHint _ns;

        // ... other members...

And now two identical components in different namespaces are distinguishable in the Inspector - though you still have to guess and check when selecting them from the Add Component menu:

Two controller components, one labelled "Enemy.Controller", one "Player.Controller"

You could also do this manually with a [Header("Player.Controller")] attribute if you don't need it to automatically adapt to name changes.

But note how much better this looks if we just give classes unique names to begin with:

Same example, but with classes named EnemyController and PlayerController

Boom. We can tell them apart in the component selection menu and we don't need this boilerplate at the top of the script, so it's even less to type!

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