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Unity - SpriteAtlas memory consumption

I'm in the process of optimizing my application memory consumption. To do so, I'm using Unity profiler while connecting to an Android device, which runs a development build of the application. The ...
Yaniv Shaked's user avatar
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Memory is not getting freed on Destroy()

Manager script(simple script attached to an empty GameObject on scene) on Start() instantiates 1000 default cubes with rigidbody component added and gravity check ticked. ...
metamorphling's user avatar
2 votes
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Unity Profiler - What would cause PlayerEndOfFrame to have 10-16MB in GC Alloc?

I can't find much documentation on what "PlayerEndOfFrame" does. Sure it is the end of a frame but what would cause the GC Alloc to go so high? This is the profiler results from a debug build on a ...
Euthyphro's user avatar
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