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2 answers

How to securely retrieve game stats from clients in a p2p game network?

I'm working on a P2P game and I know I should never trust the clients. I my architecture, there is a "Master Server" that stores game room (host) informations. Players can create their own rooms (...
PilawyerDev's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

P2P card game: Shuffling without knowing the final order?

So, I am conceptualizing a P2P trading card game. The issue is the network: knowing the identity of a card is giving a major advantage, so both clients need enough information about a card that they ...
API-Beast's user avatar
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4 votes
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Peer-to-peer first person shooter

I've been developing a first person shooter/massive multiplayer online roleplaying game for my small business, and was wondering if it would be feasible to use peer-to-peer technology to communicate ...
bbosak's user avatar
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