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X axis intersection with inverted Y axis coordinates

I'm making a visual clue for the player to know where (and more or less when) an asteroid is going to enter the screen. For this I'm using a triangle pointing at the incoming object and color ...
Alex CB's user avatar
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Random lines drawn on screen while all vertexes are correct

I'm writing a 2D program in which a monocycle follows a Catmull-Rom spline. My problem is when I write the circle, the drawing goes crazy. There is one line on the screenshot (which seems to be 3 when ...
Dinter's user avatar
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Drawing many separate lines using mouse OpenGL(GLFW/glad)

So, in order to draw a line, I track the coordinates of the mouse, then I add them to the array and capture it as GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY. However, for example, I completed drawing a line1 at P1 and ...
adziri's user avatar
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Drawing a lines radiating from every angle using Bresenham line algorithm

I am trying to recreate a image like this ... or just each point Using Bresenham line algorithm, but can't seem to able to do so.. The point i receive from my computation doesn't look like a like, ...
noob's user avatar
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How to order points on a 3D grid such that we can connect them in a line loop correctly

I want to recreate an effect as close as possible to X-Com: Enemy Unkown's movement range feedback: (source: The blue line delimits the tiles which the soldier can reach using a ...
Iker Gimenez's user avatar