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Properway to pass information from one system to another in an entity component system design

After having read some example programs (namely Pong, Snake and Pacman) I am now experiencing with ECS. I am wondering where to put the elements for a reward flow. Do you know good practices for ...
julien's user avatar
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How do you handle entity parent-child relationship in Ashley ECS?

In the below code example, is a parent-child relationship of an entities. Now every child should follow its parent position, and the child could be re-positioned anywhere. ...
ronscript's user avatar
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How do I pool a bullet in libgdx ashley ECS approach?

I'm having problem creating bullet pool in ashley ECS approach, because i'm using PooledEngine, everything is pooled. So I've done is I just use ...
ronscript's user avatar
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What is the proper way of creating bullet in libgdx ashley ecs framework?

I'm still thinking, how do I properly pool a bullet in libgdx ashley? Because the PooledEngine is available, which the Entities, ...
ronscript's user avatar
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How would you implement and differentiate between input actions and input states?

Im currently trying to setup my game and Ive started to implement input. It works like this: I have an Input class who notifies the ...
zebleckDAMM's user avatar