I've found that making a looping script works well for an attack timer, and avoids the problems that come with using a coroutine to time something. Bonus here is that you can use this anywhere in your scripts for an easy timer.
private bool canAttack; //This gets changed when the enemy can try and shoot at you (ie. within range)
private float newFireTime; //This holds the time for the next shot
private float stopFireTime; //Holds the time for when you want to change your anim
private float firingDelay; //The delay in seconds you set (ie a value of "2" means 1 shot every 2 seconds)
private bool attackLoopStarted;
void Update()
private void AttackTimer()
if (!attackLoopStarted) //If the attack loop has not been initiated
attackLoopStarted = true; //Signal the loop has been started
newFireTime = Time.time + (1 / fireRate); //Takes your fire delay in seconds and converts it to shots Per second and record this
stopFireTime = Time.time + (1 / stopFireTime); // Same as above, except for your animation
Shoot(); //Call your method to initiate an attack
if (attackLoopStarted) //Once the attack loop has started check the time against the future time
//If the gametime is greater than or equal to the newFireTime, then set the bool to false to restart the loop
if (Time.time >= newFireTime)
attackLoopStarted = false;
//Will only check when isShooting is true, will change the aniamtion after your specified time
else if (Time.time >= stopFireTime && isShooting == true)
StopShoot(); //Call method to change your anim and set the isShooting bool to false
private void Shoot()
Instantiate(Bullet, firePoint.position, firePoint.rotation);
isShooting = true;
private void StopShoot()
isShooting = false;
Edit: This exact code will present a bug if your fire delay, and the delay for your animation are exactly the same (say you want to shoot every 2 seconds and you want the animation to change every 2 seconds at the exact time of the shot, which would probably work against what I believe you are trying to accomplish). You can fix that by replacing stopFireTime = Time.time + (1 / stopFireTime);
with stopFireTime = Time.time + (1 / fireRate / 2);
that will casue the animation to change back from firing to not firing 1/2 way between shots.