
I have gold stars in my game that give score to game hero if the hero overlap with the star. What I want is to remove star once it overlap with hero object. I give score by checking overlap with this code

public void scorecount(Hero myhero){

            if (!star.isScored() && Intersector.overlaps(myhero.getBoundingBalloon(), star.getStarCircle())) 

                addScore(1); // give one plus always



Now once I give score and setScore true , i want to remove star. How can I do that? I tried for setvisible method but I dont know how to use it. Because just Calling star.setVisible() ask to create this method in star class. then in star class I dont know what should be given inside this method body.


1 Answer 1


You could use an ArrayList to store all your stars in. When collision is detected you remove star from array so the star is no longer updated.

So :

create :

ArrayList <Star> stars= new ArrayList<Star>();

add the stars :

stars.add (new Star (param1, param2));

update :

    for (int i = 0; i < stars.size(); i++) {
       star.get(i).update (param1, param2);

        for (int i = 0; i < stars.size(); i++) {
          if (player.overlaps(stars.get(i)) { 
              // remove star from arraylist
              // another approach would be not to remove the star, but to respawn it
              // on a different position; it depends what your game logic require
              stars.get(i).respawn (param1, param2);

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