I've started trying a few things with Sprite Kit for Game Development. I was creating a brick breaking game. So I've run into a issue on how to randomize the initial starting direction of the ball.
I set the following properties for my ball which launches from the paddle.
ball.physicsBody.friction = 0;
ball.physicsBody.linearDamping = 0;
ball.physicsBody.restitution = 1 ; //energy lost on impact or bounciness
To start at different direction during the gameplay, I've randomized the selection of the 4 vectors because I'm using the applyImpulse
method to direct the ball in a particular direction and I need to make sure the ball does not go slow if the vector values are low.
int initialDirection = arc4random()%10;
CGVector myVector;
if(initialDirection < 2)
myVector = CGVectorMake(4, 7);
else if(initialDirection >3 && initialDirection <= 6)
myVector = CGVectorMake(-7, -5);
else if(initialDirection >6 && initialDirection <= 8)
myVector = CGVectorMake(-5, -8);
myVector = CGVectorMake(8, 5);
//apply the vector
[ball.physicsBody applyImpulse:myVector];
Is there any way I can randomize the direction and still maintain a speed for my ball ?