I am writing a simple 3D pacman using c++ and OpenGL. I'm new in OpenGL development, I wanted to make a small project before learning next concepts.
For now I can't have more than 55fps when rendering every objects.
These are my objects is the game :
After commenting my code to see which objects was causing problems, I know that the grid ( that is oly a plane, so 6 vertices ) and the walls ( 17k vertices, 1 draw call ) are causing the problems. ( By commenting all other elements, like foods, player and ghosts I only win 5 fps )
Which leads me to this question : What really matters with frame rate? The number of draw calls? The number or indices it has to render? the number of pixel that will be visible in the screen? Everything?
It seems that vertices outside the screen are ignored, but if that's true, how can I improve my fps count?
Or maybe I am just worrying for nothing and that's a normal thing with the first projects and should just continue?
Thanks for the help.