I'm having issues rendering rounded shape figures. I have a Texture with different images in it and I get this whale figure from it with TextureRegion but the stroke of it looks pixelated.
The original whale image is 357x721 px and the program scalate it up or down depending on the device.
And I use TextureFilter to Nearest but it doesn't solve problem as I thought it would.
Does someone knows a bit about this issue?
texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("texturepack_nuevo.png"));
texture.setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest);
pilar = new TextureRegion(texture,591,0,357,721);
whale_1 = new TextureRegion(texture,0,0,591,323);
whale_1.flip(false, true);
whale_2 = new TextureRegion(texture,0,323,591,323);
whale_2.flip(false, true);
whale_3 = new TextureRegion(texture,0,646,591,323);
whale_3.flip(false, true);
TextureRegion[] whales = {whale_1,whale_2,whale_3};
whaleAnimation = new Animation(0.15f, whales);