I create a packed depth/stencil texture and attach it to a framebuffer like this:
//set filtering to gl_nearest, not shown cause not important
//... create framebuffer and attach some color attachments
The creation of the framebuffer causes no OpenGL status errors.
In terms of usage for depth and stencil testing, the texture/attachment seems to work correctly. If I disable depth testing, I get the usual artifacts of objects in the back being drawn over objects in the front if they are drawn in the wrong order. If I disable stencil testing, the effects I'm using related to that don't work anymore (I'm masking out areas that shouldn't be lit by the lighting pass). Also, if I simply don't attach the depth/stencil buffer to the framebuffer, the related tests stop working (as expected).
However, reading from that texture in a shader always returns 1 if I read the depth part, and 0 if I read from the stencil part.
I confirmed this via glReadBuffer(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) and glReadPixels. All integers read show up as 0xffffff00, directly after clearing them via glClear and a black clearcolor and also after the screen is drawn full of stuff.
Drawing to and reading from the rest of the attached textures (four color buffers for now) works fine.
I have to note that I'm not actually manually drawing anything to the depth-stencil attachment in the fragment shader when rendering - I'm assuming OpenGL automatically draws depth and stencil values to the correct buffer.
What could be the cause of these incorrect values showing up when reading from the texture?