So I am designing a game like scrabble in which a user has to make words using the letters on the screen. When the there is no possible combination of word that can be made with the letter the game is automatically supposed to tell the user to shuffle. Which changes the present set of alphabets with a new set (odds are very very very low that the new set cannot form a word either.)
So I now its a simple word game, but I am making this on HTML5 Canvas. It hugely resource consuming. And I need to run this even heavier computation on the client machine of whether a new word is possible from the selection on the screen. Ideally I would run a thread were this an app for the native code, and check after every new word created whether new words are possible with the remaining alphabets. Alas on the web browser I am afraid, it will toast the computer, crash the browser and a lot of other horrible things. So I would like to know is there a way that I could make such a computation feasible with all the other actions I am already running!?