I have a Player Attributes class:
import UnityEngine
class Stat ():
public current as int
public max as int
class PlayerAttributes ( MonoBehaviour ):
public Name as string
public level as int
public hp as Stat = Stat()
public ep as Stat = Stat()
public strength as int // How accurate and how much damage with melee attacks
public dexterity as int // How accurate and how much damage with ranged attacks
public vitality as int // How many hit points he has
public power as int // How much damage his energy attacks deal
public resistance as int // How much defense he has against energy attacks
public agility as int
public speed as int // How fast character attacks
public meleeAtk as int
public rangedAtk as int
public defense as int
public powerAtk as int
public powerDef as int
public initiative as single
public exp as Stat = Stat()
def SetInitialStats (
name as string,
strength as int,
dexterity as int,
vitality as int,
power as int,
resistance as int,
agility as int,
speed as int,
exp as int
self.level = 1
self.Name = name
self.strength = strength
self.dexterity = dexterity
self.vitality = vitality
self.power = power
self.resistance = resistance
self.agility = agility
self.speed = speed
self.exp.max = self.level * (self.level + 1) * 500
def AddExp ( experience as int ):
exp.current += experience
while exp.current >= exp.max and level < 99:
exp.current -= exp.max
exp.max = level * (level + 1) * 500
level += 1
def IncreaseStats ():
strength += 1
dexterity += 1
vitality += 1
power += 1
resistance += 1
agility += 1
speed += 1
meleeAtk = (level * 7) + strength
rangedAtk = (level * 7) + dexterity
defense = (level * 2) + agility
powerAtk = (level * 7) + power
powerDef = (level * 2) + resistance
initiative = 20 + ((speed * level)/1500)
hp.max = ((level * 5) + vitality) * 10
hp.current = hp.max
ep.max = ((level * 5) + power)
ep.current = ep.max
Jut anything simple really. Well I read in the docs to not use constructors with MonoBehaviour, but I try instantiating my variables with the Start() function which is SetInitialStats (...)
So In another script in the Start() function I call it up like this
Player = PlayerAttributes.SetInitialStats('Robo', 20, 21, 19, 20, 18, 22, 22, 57000)
I get the warning: ' An instance of type 'PlayerAttributes' is required to access non static member'
Not sure what else I can do to setup my beginning stats.
I got this to work I Unityscript which worked with a constructor without MonoBehaviour so I don't know where else to go from here. I would like to stay using Boo.