I draw my map from a txt file. I am using java with slick2d library. When I print the array the number changes in the array, but the texture doesn't change.
public class Tiles {
public Image[] tiles = new Image[5];
public int[][] map = new int[64][64];
public Image grass, dirt, fence, mound;
private SpriteSheet tileSheet;
public int tileWidth = 32;
public int tileHeight = 32;
public void init() throws IOException, SlickException {
tileSheet = new SpriteSheet("assets/tiles.png", tileWidth, tileHeight);
grass = tileSheet.getSprite(0, 0);
dirt = tileSheet.getSprite(7, 7);
fence = tileSheet.getSprite(2, 0);
mound = tileSheet.getSprite(2, 6);
tiles[0] = grass;
tiles[1] = dirt;
tiles[2] = fence;
tiles[3] = mound;
int x=0, y=0;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("assets/map.dat"));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
String[] values = line.split(",");
x = 0;
for (String str : values) {
int str_int = Integer.parseInt(str);
//System.out.print(map[x][y] + " ");
public void update(GameContainer gc) {
public void render(GameContainer gc) {
for(int y = 0; y < map.length; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < map[0].length; x ++) {
int textureIndex = map[x][y];
Image texture = tiles[textureIndex];
Mouse Picking Where I change the number in the array
Input input = gc.getInput();
gc.getInput().setOffset(cameraX-400, cameraY-300);
float mouseX = input.getMouseX();
float mouseY = input.getMouseY();
double mousetileX = Math.floor((double)mouseX/tiles.tileWidth);
double mousetileY = Math.floor((double)mouseY/tiles.tileHeight);
double playertileX = Math.floor(playerX/tiles.tileWidth);
double playertileY = Math.floor(playerY/tiles.tileHeight);
double lengthX = Math.abs((float)playertileX - mousetileX);
double lengthY = Math.abs((float)playertileY - mousetileY);
double distance = Math.sqrt((lengthX*lengthX)+(lengthY*lengthY));
if(input.isMousePressed(Input.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && distance < 4) {
if(tiles.map[(int)mousetileX][(int)mousetileY] == 1) {
tiles.map[(int)mousetileX][(int)mousetileY] = 0;
I don't know what is wrong: all my textures work when I render them, it just doesn't update when the number in the array changes. I am obviously debugging when I say that I was printing the array and the number is changing like it should, so it's not a problem with my mouse picking code. It is a problem with my textures, but I don't know what because they all render correctly.