I built a library for purely cross-platform programming. My games made with it run fine in Android , Pc, Linux, Mac etc.
The networking capabilities are provided by ENET library, therefore all communication between my apps is not TCP or UDP compatible, but only in the custom protocol, even tough its based on the UDP ultimately.
I don't think its possible to do what i want with ENET, thats why I ask here for help!
Lets say I have the same game running in my Android phone, my laptop and my pc. They are all in the same wifi network, and therefore in a LAN, whether its Wifi hotspot(?) or the household router.
I need each of those 3 peers to discover the other two in the network. This is meant only to find the IP of alive apps in the LAN network, to be able to host multiplayer games between them.
I can only think of one effective way to do this, UDP broadcast, wait responses, but if that is the solution, i need something small, since its the only purpose of the implementation.
Other way could be to try to connect to all IPs in the LAN address subrange, but I don't think the OS would be with me on this one :p