I haven't touched Flash in a while and I've forgotten a lot.
I'm trying to get a space-ship symbol to show in the middle of the screen. For some odd reason it isn't showing in the middle of the screen or even appearing. There's no error in the output or an error in the debug.
Here's some code below.
I'm coding in Coda 2 and using Flash to manage the library. I currently only have one class called Game.As and the ship symbol is a MovieClip with the name shipSymbol and the class is defined as shipBase with the base class being flash.display.MovieClip;
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.events.Event;
public class Game extends MovieClip {
//Spaceship Symbol
private static var ship = spaceShip;
private function initShip(startX = number , startY = number):void {
ship = new spaceShip();
this.x = startX;
this.y = startY;
startX = stage.stageWidth /2;
startY = stage.stageHeight /2;
trace("Space-Ship Spawned");
public function runGame():void {
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME , update);
override public function update(e:Event):void {
Thanks, for the help :P