What does the phrase "Kinematic bodies do not react to forces and only collide with dynamic bodies" mean?
Related: I'm always confused by game engine physics explanations
I found this phrase in the love2d documentation: https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newBody
Kinematic bodies do not react to forces and only collide with dynamic bodies.
Since love2d uses Box2D under the hood, I checked the Box2D documentation and found a similar description: https://box2d.org/documentation/md_simulation.html
Kinematic bodies do not collide with other kinematic or static bodies.
I also watched the following lecture: https://cs50.harvard.edu/games/2018/weeks/6/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVCjeFQrK38&t=1750s
Around the 29-minute mark, you can see an example using kinematic bodies.
In the example, three rotating kinematic bodies appear to collide with a green square, which seems to be a dynamic body. Does this interaction not count as a "collision" in the context of the physics engine? After that, it also collides with the ground (likely a Static Body) and stops.
Unfortunately, the source code link from https://cs50.harvard.edu/games/2018/weeks/6/ is broken, so I cannot try the example myself. I also checked https://github.com/dmalan, but I couldn't find the relevant source code.
Why does it say "Kinematic bodies do not collide with other kinematic or static bodies" when the kinematic and dynamic bodies appear to interact?