I'm messing around with writing a really poor tactical RPG in C++. So far I have a 2D tile map and just got the A* algorithm working based on the pseudocode in the wikipedia.
But real tactical RPGs don't just find the best path on a flat plane and move there. They typically have limited move ranges and must climb up or down. If you've ever played Final Fantasy Tactics these would be affected by the Move and Jump stats. This is where I get lost. How do I alter the A* algorithm so that it finds the best path toward a target, but the path is only so many tiles long? How should I take height differences and jump stats into account? How do I implement jumping over a gap?
If it helps, right now my map is represented by a Vector of Tile objects. Each tile has pointers to the North, South, East, and West tile, which are set to a nullptr if no tile exists there, such as along the edge of the map or if a tile is set to non-passable.