I'm looking for physics engines that doesn't use time steps. I don't think time steps are reliable, and I don't like how without tweaking the engine a bullet going too fast can pass through a wall without colliding it. Moreover I suspect they do a lot of unnecessary computations.
I thought of a physics engine concept where all the movements are represented by forces and movement beginning time. In such an environment as long as no event occur the engine would not do any computation.
I imagine the following:
- I shoot a bullet in space, an object is created representing its physics properties.
- The engine compare the bullet trajectory with other's to find if it's gonna collide with an other object.
- It finds a collision, in 3 seconds.
- An callback is programmed to trigger in 3s to process the collision.
- In the meantime if no other event occur (like shooting an other bullet, changing an object trajectory, etc...) no other computation is done.
Does such an engine exists? Is there a name to this technique? Have you ever tried using this approach?