For an existing game (VBS3) I'd like to write a plugin which exports all the rendered pixels with their world position (basically something like a LIDAR point cloud).
Actually I don't need the position of each pixel, instead I could also use the application's internal collision checking system with equally spaced ray endpoints, but it turned out that this approach is way too slow and coarse.
The game provides a callback which gets called whenever the back buffer has been filled. Then this callback provides references to a depth buffer and a render target, both of type IDirect3DSurface9.
As a first shot I just wanted to do it like Andon M. Coleman described in [1] but my problem is that the IDirect3DDevice9 linked to the surfaces only returns identity matrices when I call GetTransform() on it with types D3DTS_PROJECTION and D3DTS_VIEW.
Therefore I suppose the application does not use those matrices at all and instead does all the matrix / projection stuff internally. Am I right? Is this common? And are there other approaches I could take?
Thanks in advance!