I have stuck in this simple problem but unable to understand that why i am unable to control it.
I have these line of code which is displaying my canvas object in front of my player(camRotationToWatch object name in code) at certain rotation of the player.
if (camRotationToWatch.transform.localEulerAngles.x >= navigationCanvasXMinmumLimit && camRotationToWatch.transform.localEulerAngles.x <= navigationCanvasXMaximumLimit)
if (!navCanvasHasDisplay)
Vector3 navCanvas = camRotationToWatch.transform.position + camRotationToWatch.transform.forward * navCanvasDisplayDistanceFromCam;
navCanvas = new Vector3(navCanvas.x, 2f, navCanvas.z);
navigationCanvas.transform.position = new Vector3(navCanvas.x, navCanvas.y, navCanvas.z);
navigationCanvas.transform.rotation = camRotationToWatch.transform.rotation;
navCanvasHasDisplay = true;
if (locationPanel.activeSelf == false && infoPanel.activeSelf == false) {
navCanvasHasDisplay = false;
This code is actually work fine when camRotationToWatch object rotate from down to up and Canvas show at correct position but as I try to to rotate camRotationToWatch from up to down it display(active) Canvas at very top position. How can I restrict canvas to show at same position (No matter player rotate from up to down or down to up) but display on front of the player object?