I recently built a game with libgdx for my desktop. I would like now to make it a multiplayer game.
How could I do this? I was thinking about using node.js but there are some problems: I use Box2D and other Java libraries to help me making the game simulation and this would be hard to write all over again in Javascript.
The other option would be to write a Java server. Honestly I never used sockets or anything related to networks in Java (I have always been a C++ guy). So, what would you guys recommend? What would be the best option?
Also I would like to consider the performance since Box2D simulations are a bit heavy and with Java I am able to use multi-threading while node.js doesn´t allow me to do that. (I also think Java itself is a bit faster than Javascript).
Just one more note. As I said before I never done anything network related with Java, so if you think Java is the best option could you also recommend some technologies and/or java libraries and/or articles about networking or server creation in Java?
Thanks for your time!