I'm working on one of my first games and I've read that linking your game logic to FPS is bad because it will run differently at different FPS (obviously). I have already made some of the basic game dependent on frame rate and now that I know this, I would like to unlink the logic and render. I've learned that LibGdx has deltaTime in its render method for this, however I believe I'm misunderstanding how I am to use it.
For example, my movement currently looks something like this:
if (rightKeyisPressed)
In my case, I would like the player to move 6 units per second. Since I built this on 60 fps, that means that movementSpeed is 0.1. Now the way I have seen deltaTime used is by scaling the movementSpeed based on the time like this:
setVelocityX(movementSpeed * deltaTime)
However, now I move very slow because delteTime is a very small number. How can I make movement still the same speed without depending on the fps? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, I just can't seem to wrap my head around this.