
I'm trying to create a DirectX9 device to copy video frame data from one memory buffer to another while processing it through a HLSL shader. I will need half-float or float precision for each channel. For now, D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F will do.

I can create the device when passing D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 in the presentation parameters, but it will fail when passing D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F. I don't want to display this on the screen nor convert it between formats. Both the source and destination texture buffers have the same format.

How can I create a device that will allow me to display the output into another texture of type D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F?


1 Answer 1


You can use CheckDeviceFormat to determine if a given D3DFORMAT is suitable for the device's backbuffer; it's unlikely that particular format will be.

Instead, try creating the device with any old acceptable backbuffer format (D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 for example); it doesn't matter since you won't be rendering to it.

Then create a new texture with the desired destination format (D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F), set it as a render target, and render to that.


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