I'm using a sprite atlas and Unity's built-in sprite editor to tease out the individual images. Specifically, I have a single texture containing lots and lots of icons for armor, and I am assigning those to a Sprite[]
field of a Component.
However, the process of manually assigning sprites to the component -- via drag and drop -- is tedious. Is there a faster way to do this? Perhaps a way I can bulk assign sprites to a component?
Update: This is the code of the final solution. In short, the easiest thing to do is to put the texture atlas in the /Resources
folder and then programmatically access the sprites by name.
private void MergeTextureAtlas(string atlasName, Dictionary<ItemSubType, List<Sprite>> spriteLookup) {
Sprite[] atlasSprites = Resources.LoadAll<Sprite>(atlasName);
Assert.IsNotNull(atlasSprites, atlasName);
Assert.IsTrue(atlasSprites.Length > 0, atlasName);
int spritesLoaded = 0;
foreach (ItemSubType itemSubType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ItemSubType))) {
string subTypeFriendlyName = ItemSubTypeHelper.GetSubTypeName(itemSubType);
foreach (Sprite atlasSprite in atlasSprites) {
if (atlasSprite.name.Contains(subTypeFriendlyName)) {
if (!spriteLookup.ContainsKey(itemSubType)) {
spriteLookup.Add(itemSubType, new List<Sprite>());
if (spritesLoaded == 0) {
"Found 0 new sprites in texture atlas '{0}'.",