I am trying to implement a simple PC program with OpenGL, using mandatorily Cg shaders (no Unity whatsoever).
I have found some tips on this page http://bobobobo.wordpress.com/2008/10/05/cg-1/ and kept the Cgprogram, Cgcontext and Cgprofile types in my own project.
Problem is: How can you access uniform variables in the C++ code? I have tried the glGetUniformLocation way, but that won't work because the first parameter must be the program's ID of GLuint type and I have CGprogram type.
I have already searched by myself (including the Nvidia Cg 'tutorial') but I can't seem to find both Cg and OpenGL discussed on a page without having to deal with Unity.
edit: I can now access the variables, but in my case I'm trying to change a texture, and it doesn't bind.