Is there a common trick for getting around sprites that are changing directions 'too quickly' and causing their sprite to display erratically?
In this project, the player moves in 8 directions by determining the abs()
distance between the mouse's X and Y coordinates and its own
. If the absolute value is less than obj.speed
, it simply moves to that point. If it is greater, it moves the distance its speed allows it to move in that direction. When it's time to draw the sprite, PyGame rotates it in accordance to obj.direction
by using a dict called SPINNER
with stored default values to pass to pygame.transform.rotate
def draw(obj):
drawImg = pygame.rotate.transform(obj.img, SPINNER[obj.direction])
drawCtr = drawImg.get_rect(
DISPLAYSURF.blit(drawImg, drawCtr)
This is fine for the foolish AI characters which typically make very few course corrections - however, small movements of the mouse can cause the player's obj.direction
to update very quickly, which looks chaotic.
Is there a simple way to curb this behavior? My first guess is to bog down the player object with values that retain its previous state and then determine the amount of rotation to apply, but I have a feeling the better solution is to assign that responsibility to the 'view' and not the 'model'. I'm not sticking to any hard and fast rules regarding MVC, but I am trying to engage in enough separation of concerns that 'view-like methods' don't make 'controller-like' changes to 'model-like' objects, if that makes sense.