
I have a C# Struct with a static method, "Get Shape" which populates a List with the vertices of a polyhedron.

Method Signature:

public static void GetShape(Block b, int x, int y, int z,
                                List<Vector3> vertices, List<int> triangles,
                                List<Vector2> uvs, List<Vector2> uv2s)

Adding directly to the vertices list (via vertices.Add(vector3) ), the code works as expected, and the new polyhedron appears when I trigger the method. However, I want to do some processing on the vertices I'm adding (a rotation), and the most sensible way I can think to do that is by creating a separate list of Vector3s, and then combining the lists when I'm done.


vertices.AddRange(newVerts) does not add the shape to the mesh, nor does a foreach loop with verts.Add(vertices[i]). And this is before I've added in any of the processing!

I have a feeling this might stem from passing the list of vertices in as a parameter, rather than returning a list and then adding to the vertices in the calling object, but since I'm filling 4 lists, I was trying to avoid having to create a data struct to return all four at once.

Any ideas? The working version of the method is reprinted below, in full:

public static void GetShape(Block b, int x, int y, int z,
                            List<Vector3> vertices, List<int> triangles,
                            List<Vector2> uvs, List<Vector2> uv2s)
    //List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>();

    int l_blockShape = b.blockShape;
    int l_blockType  = b.blockType;
    //CheckFace checks if the block is empty
    //if this block is empty, don't draw anything.

    int vertexIndex;

    //only y faces need to be hidden.
    //if((l_blockShape & BlockShape.NegZFace) == BlockShape.NegZFace)
        vertexIndex = vertices.Count;
        //top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y + 1, z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y + 1, z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y , z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y , z+.2f));

        // first triangle for the face 

        // second triangle for the face

        //UVs for the face
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

        //UV2s (lightmapping?)
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

    //XY Z+1 face
    //if((l_blockShape & BlockShape.PosZFace) == BlockShape.PosZFace)
        vertexIndex = vertices.Count;
        //top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y + 1, z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y + 1, z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y , z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y , z+.8f));

        // first triangle for the face 

        // second triangle for the face

        //UVs for the face
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

        //UV2s (lightmapping?)
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

    //ZY face
    //if((l_blockShape & BlockShape.NegXFace) == BlockShape.NegXFace)
        vertexIndex = vertices.Count;
        //top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y + 1, z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y + 1, z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y , z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y , z+.8f));

        // first triangle for the face 

        // second triangle for the face

        //UVs for the face
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

        //UV2s (lightmapping?)
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

    //ZY X+1 face
//  if((l_blockShape & BlockShape.PosXFace) == BlockShape.PosXFace)
        vertexIndex = vertices.Count;
        //top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y + 1, z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y + 1, z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y , z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y , z+.2f));

        // first triangle for the face 

        // second triangle for the face

        //UVs for the face
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

        //UV2s (lightmapping?)
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

    //ZX face
    if((l_blockShape & BlockShape.NegYFace) == BlockShape.NegYFace)
        vertexIndex = vertices.Count;
        //top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y , z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y , z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y , z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y , z+.8f));

        // first triangle for the face 

        // second triangle for the face

        //UVs for the face
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

        //UV2s (lightmapping?)
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

    //ZX + 1 face
    if((l_blockShape & BlockShape.PosYFace) == BlockShape.PosYFace)
        vertexIndex = vertices.Count;
        //top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left

        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y+1 , z+.2f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.8f, y+1 , z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y+1 , z+.8f));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(x+.2f, y+1 , z+.2f));

        // first triangle for the face 

        // second triangle for the face

        //UVs for the face
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uvs.Add( new Vector2(0,0));

        //UV2s (lightmapping?)
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,1));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(1,0));
        uv2s.Add( new Vector2(0,0));
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Just checking: you are aware that if you comment out the "if" but not the block the if-condition applies to, the following code block will run every time, right? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 5:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ @JonathanHobbs I'm not quite sure I follow. My polyhedron has 6 faces. For this case, I want to always draw 4 of them (where I commented out the ifs). Are you saying I neeed to comment out the {} as well? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 11:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ No, having the {} is fine. I'm just checking that you're aware the code within the {} will, in the current code, always run. Putting aside scoping, in this code it will be as if the {} aren't even there, so having them there or not doesn't make a difference and in fact is quite neat. To put it differently: Newbie programmers might think that commenting out the if will mean the block of code that follows will never run, and I want to make sure you're not making that newbie assumption. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 13:05
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @JonathanHobbs Okay, then we are on the same page. And yes, the intent is to always run that code. Thanks for the sanity check. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 13:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ Excellent! No worries :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 14:07

2 Answers 2


I'm not sure if I got the question correct but is it correct, that you want to edit the vertices you passed as a parameter to the function after calling the function?

Maybe call by reference could help. You could try

public static void GetShape(Block b, int x, int y, int z,
                        ref List<Vector3> vertices, ref List<int> triangles,
                        ref List<Vector2> uvs, ref List<Vector2> uv2s)
  • \$\begingroup\$ Are lists not passed by reference automatically? Is it doing something weird because it's a list of structs (which are pass-by-value)? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 22:33
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I also thought that Lists are passed by ref similiar to C++. But I found this and hoped it would help :) \$\endgroup\$
    – TOAOGG
    Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 22:49
  • \$\begingroup\$ That would explain it then. It tries to pass back a reference to the Vertex3, which is a struct, and gets passed by value instead. I will look into this, and accept if it proves the culprit. I will commend you, however, for having better stackexchange search fu than I! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 8, 2012 at 1:27
  • \$\begingroup\$ Well, this seemed like a promising option, but no dice. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 8, 2012 at 2:42

So after more experimentation, I found out what was wrong. TOAOGG is, unfortunately, wrong - the lists were being passed appropriately (else the posted code wouldn't have worked). Instead, the problem is here:

    vertexIndex = vertices.Count;

and also here:

    // first triangle for the face 

    // second triangle for the face

The vertices were always being added correctly, but their associated triangles were not pointing to them correctly. Here is the correct code (assuming input parameter verts):

int parentIndex = verts.Count;
vertexIndex = vertices.Count;

// first triangle for the face 

// second triangle for the face

So... lesson learned. Keep your triangles between the proper vertices!


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