You are worrying too much. The API for OpenGL in Android, OpenGL-ES, was deliberately kept C-like. See the OpenGL specs at for details.
It is even possible that you won't miss much of anything from C++. A lot of developers, even the famous programming author Bruce Eckel ('Thinking in C++', 'Thinking in Java'), have found Java a much more effective language for object-oriented programming. Largely because the things they 'missed' at first turned out not to be so important after all.
That said, what I miss most is the ability to override operators, not just methods. The syntax really is clumsier when you have to define/override methods instead of operators.
Consider, for example complex number arithmetic. It is really elegant in C++. Not so in Java. But this turns out to have minimal impact on most real projects.
Some people complain about the inability to do multiple-inheritance. But the most useful kind of multiple inheritance IS the kind that Java does with the 'interface', so you shouldn't really miss it that much.