I am currently creating a car game in Roblox which has many ramps. For visual fun, I have created an unanchored (movable) burning car laying next to it so it looks like a car already tried this extreme ramp and crashed. I want the fire to move with the car when the car is getting pushed. I am new to Roblox game dev (ca. 3 days).
The scene structure of the burning car:
(The two black painted objects are objects that are not related to this burning car and thus are irrelevant for this question.) The three Model > Part > Fire things are the fires, the MeshPart below them is the actual car.
This is how the car looks like:
The fires are anchored. If I unanchor them, they fall off the map (they don't have a collider so touching the fire/car won't cause problems). When I anchor them, they are fixed on the current location and only the car moves away.