I'm trying to get a realistic behaving racing car into my 2d top-down game.
Making a very simple car that drives around is straight forward but I want a reasonably sophisticated model that models Newtons laws and the forces on the car well and results in something great.
I searched the web for a good tutorial on how to do this but there doesn't seem to be much example code out there.
I followed this tutorial http://www.gamedev.net/topic/470497-2d-car-physics-tutorial/ which was very good and seems like a good starting point but if you have a play with the included demo you can see it still has a fair way to go before its a convincing racing car.
I hear that some 3d game engines like Unity come with a good starting vehicle model out of the box. Is there something like that out there for 2D?
Just want to make sure I am not missing some great existing 2d starting point I don't know about before I spend a LOT of time reading and figuring out all the correct forces etc needed to build my own from scratch.
This article seems to describe all the things you need: http://www.asawicki.info/Mirror/Car%20Physics%20for%20Games/Car%20Physics%20for%20Games.html but the source code links are broken unfortunately.