I'm trying to connect multiple players ( godot clients) to 1 nodejs server and it's the second client would not connect. The first client connects, not the second.
All the relevant tutorials and projects that I found are written for Godot 3.0, therefore they are useless in 3.1 since 3.0 did not have support for websockets.
Any minimal multiplayer web sockets tutorial / code snippet or project, written for godot 3.1? Could you share minimal code?
Something like this won't work
extends Node
var ws = null
func _ready():
ws = WebSocketClient.new()
ws.connect("connection_established", self, "_connection_established")
ws.connect("connection_closed", self, "_connection_closed")
ws.connect("connection_error", self, "_connection_error")
var url = "ws://localhost:8080"
print("Connecting to " + url)
func _connection_established(protocol):
print("Connection established with protocol: ", protocol)
func _connection_closed():
print("Connection closed")
func _connection_error():
print("Connection error")
func _process(delta):
if ws.get_connection_status() == ws.CONNECTION_CONNECTING || ws.get_connection_status() == ws.CONNECTION_CONNECTED:
if ws.get_peer(1).is_connected_to_host():
if ws.get_peer(1).get_available_packet_count() > 0 :
var test = ws.get_peer(1).get_var()
print('recieve %s' % test)