I'm new to DirectX and I am trying to get my feet wet by making a simple 2D game. I chose DirectX 11 and am using the DirectX ToolKit helper library which recommended I start with DX11 and not DX12.
The guide I am following to create an animating sprite is working great except for when attempting to draw a single sprite from the sprite sheet I am seeing "ghosting" of other sprites behind it. I created the sprite sheet and saved it as a PNG and also as a BMP and it seems to happen either way.
Here is the sprite sheet I am using:
It is 336px width, 48px height, in 48px x 48px square sprites. If I render the entire sprite sheet, or if I render the first sprite (0,0,48,48), it looks fine, but if I attempt to render the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. this is how it renders:
Here is the code I am using to load the PNG file as a texture:
ComPtr<ID3D11Resource> ponyIdleResource;
CreateWICTextureFromFile(_D3dDevice.Get(), L"assets/pony_idle.png",
ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> ponyIdleTexture;
CD3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC ponyIdleDesc;
and here is the code I am using to draw:
RECT sourceRect;
sourceRect.left = 48;
sourceRect.top = 0;
sourceRect.right = 96;
sourceRect.bottom = 48;
_SpriteBatch->Draw(_Texture.Get(), _ScreenPos, &sourceRect, Colors::White, 0, _Origin);
If I pass the RECT in as 0,0,48,48, it looks fine. Is there some special way I need to format my image? I've tried it as both PNG and BMP.
defaults to blend state assuming premultiplied alpha. \$\endgroup\$Begin(SpriteSortMode_Deferred, _States->NonPremultiplied())
. Also, alternately, I suppose I could save my image in the premultiplied alpha format? But I honestly don't know how to do that. \$\endgroup\$texconv
to convert it to pmalpha. See DirectXTex \$\endgroup\$