The camera is sort of top down and the player can move objects around, rotate them, delete them etc. I use a raycast to check what was hit when the player clicks. But some objects are culled by the LOD group when far away, but the LOD group only disables the renderer, not the colliders, so it still interacts with the raycast. This means a player can move or delete an object that they can't even see.
I've tried looping through all the renderers in the lod group and using renderer.isVisible but it doesn't solve the problem of collision and raycasts. I'd really rather not poll isCulled every frame in update either because there are thousands of gameobjects, that would be horrible for performance.
LODGroup lodGroup = GetComponent<LODGroup>();
LOD[] LODs = lodGroup.GetLODs();
for (int i = 0; i < LODs.Length; i++)
LODRenderers = LODs[i].renderers;
bool isCulled = true;
for (int i = 0; i < LODRenderers.Length; i++)
if (LODRenderers[i].isVisible)
isCulled = false;