I needed to use matrices. The same stuff that one would do for 3D, I applied to 2D for the textures.
Roughly as follows, multiplying the matrix first on the CPU then sending it to my shader. Note that OpenGL uses column-major matrices, and just like you would use 4x4 augmented matrices with a 1 at the end for transformations in 3D space, I use 3x3 augmented matrices to manipulate the 2D textures.
mat3 textures_position_mat;
mat3 textures_scale_mat;
mat3 textures_orientation_mat;
mat3 textures_transform_mat;
textures_position_mat[0][2] = player.y / 1.0;
textures_position_mat[1][2] = player.x / 1.0;
textures_scale_mat[0][0] = 1.0/10.0;
textures_scale_mat[1][1] = 1.0/1.0;
textures_orientation_mat[0][0] = cos(player_rotation_radians);
textures_orientation_mat[0][1] = sin(player_rotation_radians);
textures_orientation_mat[1][0] = -sin(player_rotation_radians);
textures_orientation_mat[1][1] = cos(player_rotation_radians);
glm_mat3_mul(textures_orientation_mat, textures_scale_mat, textures_transform_mat);
glm_mat3_mul(textures_transform_mat, textures_position_mat, textures_transform_mat);
glUniformMatrix3fv(glGetUniformLocation(shader_perspective, "textures_transform_mat_input"), 1, GL_FALSE, textures_transform_mat);
My fragment shader looks like this. Note that at the end, the texture coordinates are located in the [0][2] and [1][2] positions as OpenGL is column-major.
mat3 textures_transform_matrix;
mat3 TexCoord_to_mat3;
mat3 foo_mat3;
//textures_transform_matrix = textures_transform_mat_input;
//textures_transform_matrix[0][2] = -textures_transform_matrix[0][2];
TexCoord_to_mat3[0][0] = 1.0;
TexCoord_to_mat3[1][1] = 1.0;
TexCoord_to_mat3[2][2] = 1.0;
TexCoord_to_mat3[0][2] = TexCoord.x;
TexCoord_to_mat3[1][2] = TexCoord.y;
//vec2 foo = vec2(-TexCoord.x + textures_transform_matrix[2][0], TexCoord.y + textures_transform_matrix[2][1]);
foo_mat3 = TexCoord_to_mat3 * textures_transform_mat_input;
vec2 foo = vec2(foo_mat3[0][2], foo_mat3[1][2]);
vec2 bar = vec2(TexCoord.x, TexCoord.y);
color = texture(ourTexture1, foo);