The most basic game loop is like this :
This is very simple but have a problem : some drawing commands can be blocking and cpu will wait while he could do other things (like processing next update() call).
Another possible solution i have in mind would be to use two threads :
one for updating and preparing commands to be sent to gpu, and one for sending these commands to the gpu :
//first thread
render(); // use gamestate to generate all needed triangles and commands for gpu
// put them in a buffer, no command is send to gpu
// two buffers will be used, see below
pulse(); //signal the other thread data is ready
//second thread
wait(); // wait for second thread for data to come
send_data_togpu(); // send prepared commands from buffer to graphic card
also : two buffers would be used, so one buffer could be filled with gpu commands while the other would be processed by gpu.
Do you thing such a solution would be effective ? What would be advantages and disadvantages of such a solution (especially against a simpler solution (eg : single threaded with triple buffering enabled) ?
EDIT : I have taken a real example to show a situation where there would be an advantage :
Let's say i have a scene which consist of rendering same entity a lot of times (like in a RTS) :
in this example :
- updating world take 100 ms (because there is lot of entities)
- sending commands to gpu almost nothing (only calls to gldrawelements for the same entity, vertex buffers only sent once) (almost 1ms)
- scene rendering by gpu is also heavy, take 100 ms
total = ~200 ms (or 5 fps)
I dont think gpu could be draw something during update procedure because gpu doesnt have any idea when scene start (and cant assume glclear = beginning of scene rendering)
now lets say the system is using two independant threads :
- update take 100ms
- sending cmds take 1ms
- next update can already start no need to wait for gpu
- scene rendering take 100ms
total = ~100 ms (actually a little more than this because of synchronisation)
call, so the driver has no problem identifying that. \$\endgroup\$