I have this UI with buttons that should be clickable whenever the UIDocument is enabled, but for some reason whenever I disable and then re-enable the UIDocument (in the second code block), the buttons are no longer clickable even though the UI shows up. This is the UI code:
public class UI : MonoBehaviour
public BattleSystem battleSystem;
void Start(){
VisualElement root = GetComponent<UIDocument>().rootVisualElement;
Button grenadeButton = root.Q<Button>("Grenade");
Button pistolButton = root.Q<Button>("Pistol");
grenadeButton.clicked += () => StartCoroutine(battleSystem.useWeapon(Weapon.GRENADE));
pistolButton.clicked += () => StartCoroutine(battleSystem.useWeapon(Weapon.PISTOL));
And this is the code in the BattleSystem class:
public IEnumerator useWeapon(Weapon weapon){
Debug.Log("Button was pressed");
StopCoroutine(turn); // stops the takeTurn Coroutine
switch (weapon){
case Weapon.GRENADE:
yield return new WaitUntil(() => Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space));
Debug.Log("Powering Grenade");
yield return new WaitUntil(() => !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space));
Debug.Log("Grenade thrown");
case Weapon.PISTOL:
yield return new WaitUntil(() => Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space));
Debug.Log("Pistol fired");
yield return new WaitUntil(() => Input.GetKeyDown(weaponsKey));
yield return new WaitUntil(() => !Input.GetKey(weaponsKey));
IEnumerator takeTurn(GameObject player){
currentPlayer = player;
currentPlayer.GetComponent<PlayerMovement>().enabled = true;
BattleState currentState = state;
while (state == currentState){
yield return new WaitUntil(keyPress);
switch (pressedKey){
case var v when v == passKey:
StartCoroutine(TurnEnd()); // changes state to break out of loop
case var v when v == weaponsKey:
yield return new WaitUntil(() => !Input.GetKey(weaponsKey));
updateWeaponUIState(!weaponWheel.GetComponent<UIDocument>().enabled); // turn on/off weapon UI upon pressing and releasing the weapons key
currentPlayer.GetComponent<PlayerMovement>().enabled = !weaponWheel.GetComponent<UIDocument>().enabled; // player movement
void updateWeaponUIState(bool active){
weaponWheel.GetComponent<UIDocument>().enabled = active;
UnityEngine.Cursor.visible = active;
if (active){
UnityEngine.Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined;
} else{
UnityEngine.Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
tpc.enabled = !active; //ThirdPersonCamera
cfl.enabled = !active; //CinemaFreeLook
The buttons in the UI class work when I first enable the UIDocument (it starts disabled) but not after disabling and re-enabling it. Things I've tried:
- Removing and adding the listeners back onto the buttons with OnEnable/OnDisable - I don't think you can remove listeners in UIElements so that doesn't work, but I think Start() should be best
- Disabling the UIDocument GameObject instead of the Component - made no difference
- Stopping (and not stopping) the takeTurn Coroutine before starting the useWeapon Coroutine. I thought maybe running two related coroutines simultaneously was the problem, it wasn't
Does anyone have any clue what the issue could be?