What scripting language would you recommend for a C++ game project ?
By scripting here I mean not just putting config data in a script, but scripting parts of the projetproject like some class methods, test specific game loop, etc. ToThis would be not just to accelerate development and further, allowingbut also allow players to see some of thesesthese scripts to tweak some aspectaspects of the game.
Some language like Lua benefitshave some wrappers like luabind, but Iwhen I've used it already (some time ago) and we finallyin the past it had problems because it didn't support methodsmethod redefinition in a context of inheritance.
So whatWhat are your sugestionssuggestions of language / wrappers to use or not to use ? Maybe some great engines have the needed features, they are good answers as long as they are free. Feel free to share experience with some of theses if any, it could help having a better idea.