Not sure the title means something but here are my thoughts:
I would like to create a boss but first, I want the player to fight the head. Then the head flies to the body and becomes attached to it. Later
Later, the boss will throw an arm to the player and the arm will chase the player, becoming independent with its own AI.
Do I have to render 3 models separatly? (The head + one arm + the body)
If I do this, how am I supposed to animate the complete body when everything is attached together?
Do I have to render the 3 models (The head + one arm + the body) + 1 model without the arm (Head + body) + 1 model with everything attached?
If so, how do I handle animations with these 5 models?
Well, as you can see, I'm confused.
Can't wait to read your advices on the correct way to do this.
Thanks a lot for reading