I had three basic questions regarding the creation of a 2D sandbox/openworld game much like Terreria.
Only looking for a general overview/opinion, nothing too detailed. Any links to literature that would help answer the questions below would also be helpful.
First off - Keeping track of the map using regions/chunks, lets say 512 x 512 chunks. Is it recommended to pre-load the surrounding chunks of the 'chunk in focus', so if the character enters either one there is no load time? ~Or do you simply load smaller slices of the chunk next door, in the direction of movement?
Secondly. Do I need to add a collision box to every tile that is preloaded so any NPCs that are off screen but 'next-door' can interact with the environment? Or is this going to be massively CPU intensive ? (512 x 512 x 9 tiles alone)
Third and last question. Off screen RANDOMDLY GENERATED NPCs/monsters I assume dont load and render as they enter the viewable area on the active chunk but are loaded and activated sometime before they are seen. What are the general strategies use to handle this?
For Reference: Using c# with Unity, no third party frameworks/plugins.
Many thanks John