This question may come across like a generic/broad question but it is very specific. TL;DR how doesI'm working on a simulation game like SimTower smoothly animate andSimTower where I'd like to keep track of what seems like thousands of items being simulated at once.
Other games like this shows what looks like, appear to have hundreds/thousands or thousands of rooms with elevators with what looks like hundreds (oror thousands?) of people. And this game was made in 1994! I've always wondered what approach games is used for games like SimTower to make an enormous world that exists beyond the screen while simulating it all keepingI'm concerned about achieving the frame-rate highsame thing in my game.
- I assume we only render what is on the screen but do we constantly simulate everything that is off the screen?
- Does it really keep track of each individual person/room/elevator etc in the tower and where they are going in each update loop? I can't imagine how you would write an efficient program to do that while keeping the game running smooth.
- Assuming a typical game update loop where you would loop through each person/room state/elevator state etc. How do they do it?
I've been searching for this typeHow can I realistically keep track of answer for a long time andeach individual person/room/elevator in the game? I just can't seem to find outassume I can only render what's on the screen, but how itcan I afford to constantly simulate everything that is done.