I'm trying to use A* to make my enemies move about, but it takes up to 20 seconds to get a path to walk.
My grid is only 64*64.
This is my code:
std::vector<Node*> AStar::GeneratePath(Node* start, Node* goal)
int c = 0;
std::vector<Node*> openSet;
std::vector<Node*> closedSet;
start->g = 0;
while (openSet.size() > 0)
Node* currentNode = openSet.at(0);
for (int i = 0; i < openSet.size(); ++i)
if (openSet.at(i)->f < currentNode->f || openSet.at(i)->f == currentNode->f && openSet.at(i)->h < currentNode->h)
currentNode = openSet.at(i);
Remove(&openSet, currentNode);
if (currentNode->x == goal->x && currentNode->y == goal->y)
goal->parent = currentNode->parent;
for (Node* neighbour : GetNeighbours(currentNode))
if(neighbour != nullptr)
if (Contains(&closedSet, neighbour) || neighbour->e == 0) continue;
int newMovementCostToNeighbour = currentNode->g + GetDistance(currentNode, neighbour) + neighbour->penalty;
if (newMovementCostToNeighbour < neighbour->g || !Contains(&openSet, neighbour))
neighbour->g = newMovementCostToNeighbour;
neighbour->h = GetDistance(neighbour, goal);
neighbour->f = neighbour->g + neighbour->h;
neighbour->parent = currentNode;
if (!Contains(&closedSet, neighbour)) openSet.push_back(neighbour);
else openSet;
std::vector<Node*> nodes;
Node* current = goal;
while (current != nullptr)
current = current->parent;
reverse(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
return nodes;
int AStar::GetDistance(Node* nodeA, Node* nodeB)
int distX = abs(nodeA->x - nodeB->x);
int distY = abs(nodeA->y - nodeB->y);
if (distX > distY) return distY * (distX - distY);
return distX + (distY - distX);
std::vector<Node*> AStar::GetNeighbours(Node* _pNode)
std::vector<Node*> neighbours;
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
if (_pNode == nullptr)
for (int y = -1; y <= 1; ++y)
if (x == 0 && y == 0) continue;
int checkX = _pNode->x + x;
int checkY = _pNode->y + y;
if (checkX >= 0 && checkX < 512 && checkY >= 0 && checkY < 512)
neighbours.push_back(GetNodeAt(checkX, checkY));
return neighbours;
bool AStar::Contains(std::vector<Node*>* _pVector, Node* _pNode)
if(_pNode == nullptr)
return false;
if (find(_pVector->begin(), _pVector->end(), _pNode) != _pVector->end())
return true;
return false;
void AStar::Remove(std::vector<Node*>* _pVector, Node* _pNode)
for (std::vector<Node*>::iterator iter = _pVector->begin(); iter != _pVector->end(); ++iter)
if (*iter == _pNode)
Node* AStar::GetNodeAt(int _x, int _y)
for (Node* node : EntityManager::GetInstance()->GetAStar()->GetNodeMap())
if (node->x == _x && node->y == _y)
return node;
return nullptr;
and this is my node class
class Node
Node(int _x, int _y, int _e);
std::vector<Node*> neighbors;
Node* parent;
int f, g, h, x, y, e, penalty;
Is there anything I'm doing wrong?