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Trying to understand exactly how the server sends data to the client to prevent malicious actions

I recently started coding a game with one of my friends and he is taking care of the front end and I am doing the back end. I read many blogs/articles/tutorials on how the back end communicates with ...
schylake's user avatar
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unity, socketio, nodejs. amount of messages sent is multiplied by amount of NPcs that have ever spawned

I am building a 2d top down multiplayer mmo. very lightweight. a note on architecture I am using Unity as an engine, I have a backend Nodejs/ websockets server. and a main Master client ...
Svp's user avatar
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Node.js in LibGDX project [closed]

I'm developing a game with LibGDX, and right now I'm trying the multiplayer part. I have managed to connect several players through Node.js and socketIO but when I try to make the lobby I am doubting ...
Kuru's user avatar
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How do I make my offline server go online?

I've made a simple multiplayer game using, and took a lot of help from YouTube and the Internet on how to do it. However, the tutorials only talk about how to run the server locally, and ...
SIMMORSAL's user avatar
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How to solve this card game turn requestes clashing issue

So I am developing a poker card game using JS +node.js + It is turn-based game. There will be a host and 4 other players.The flow is the players need to make a yes/no choice, then the host ...
Frostless's user avatar
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