I want to develop a flash game. It would draw a stick man, and edit his pose.
I think what I need to learn are bones animation and physics engine.
Can anyone introduce some good resources to learn both?
Here is another such tutorial, which might help you.
It's very thorough, and I even used it once to produce an animation engine. The theory is very good and it should be easily understood for you to use it in AS3.
I'd look into a physics engine like Box2D or Nape. These engines come with several different joints you can use to animate lots of different stuff. Here's an example of the different joints/constraints possible.
On the Box2D (for Flash) homepage you'll also find a Ragdoll example which probably comes really close to what you're trying to achieve. Maybe you could take the ragdoll-example code as a starting point for your own modifications?
Check out the skeleton animation tutorial over at Rookscape. It's VB based but the theory should be sound. Also take a look at some of the other tutorials if need be...
I would definitely take a look at some of the underlying principals in skeletal movements.
General background: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_kinematics
Good pictures here: http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_ik.htm
This guy was doing 2D stick figures: http://www.chrishecker.com/Inverse_Kinematics