I am adding a touchpad control to my game, using TexturePacker
for loading images into the image-atlas
. I have followed this tutorial to add the joystick. Everything is the same apart from the loading assets part. This is how I am adding the control:
//in create
ta = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("image-atlases/pages-info.atlas"));
camera = new OrthographicCamera();
camera.setToOrtho(false, 800, 480);
batch = new SpriteBatch();
blockSpeed = 5;
//create a stage and add touchpad
stage = new Stage(800, 480,true, batch);
//create block sprite
blockTextureRegion = ta.findRegion("block");
blockSprite = new Sprite(blockTextureRegion);
//set position to the left bottom of screen
blockSprite.setPosition(800-blockSprite.getWidth()/2, 480-blockSprite.getHeight()/2);
//end create
private void InitTouchPad(){
//adding touchpad controls
//create a touchpad skin
touchpadSkin = new Skin();
//set background image
touchBackgroundRegion = ta.findRegion("touchBackground");
touchpadSkin.add("touchBackground", touchBackgroundRegion.getTexture());
//set knob image
touchKnobRegion = ta.findRegion("touchKnob");
touchpadSkin.add("touchKnob", touchKnobRegion.getTexture());
touchpadStyle = new TouchpadStyle();
//create drawable's from touchpad skin
//touchBackground = touchpadSkin.getDrawable("touchKnob");
//touchKnob = touchpadSkin.getDrawable("touchBackground");
//apply the drawables to the touchpad style
touchpadStyle.background = touchpadSkin.getDrawable("touchBackground");
touchpadStyle.knob = touchpadSkin.getDrawable("touchKnob");
//create new touchpad with the created style
touchpad = new Touchpad(10, touchpadStyle);
touchpad.setBounds(0, 480 - 150, 150, 150);
public void render() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0.2f, 1);
//add touchpad controls
blockSprite.setX(blockSprite.getX() + touchpad.getKnobPercentX()*blockSpeed);
blockSprite.setY(blockSprite.getY() + touchpad.getKnobPercentY()*blockSpeed);
And for the output, all my assets are preloaded on the screen, the touchpad is nowhere looking like a joystick control. The images are jumbled over each other the movement of the sprite
is in opposite direction..