I'm looking for how to make 3D gauge on Windows Phone 7, that's mean a 3D object (a watch for example) with a basic 2D texture (= Numbers of my watch) and a rotating 2D texture (=neddle of my watch). The shaders can't be used for this (WP7 !!).
I did not find anything on this (books or internet).
There are 2 big problems for me : 1) load 2 textures on the same object. 2) rotating one of this 2D texture and update it on the 3D model.
algorithmic I use for is:
In LoadContent()
1) load 3D model + Final 2Dtexture + Basic 2Dtexture and rotating 2Dtextures
2) Apply final 2Dtexture on 3D object
3) Load RenderTarget2D and SpriteBatch
In Draw()
1)Use TargetRender as back buffer 2)draw Basic 2dTexture and Rotate Rotating 2Dtexture with spritebatch 3)put the back buffer into my Final 2DTexture 4) free the back buffer
But that's not working at all !!!
If you have idea or interesting links, thanks for help.