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Mar 15, 2011 at 14:13 comment added LoveMeSomeCode Thanks for the info. That method actually did work, we had 1 blank MC, animated it in the timeline, and added the graphics in code. But we still settled on TweenLite just for it's simplicity. I can write code, but i'm not good and doing timeline tweens graphically.
Mar 10, 2011 at 16:40 comment added kosmoknot The graphic can be changed at runtime using a variable. You do not need to create 20 movie clips. Use only one movie clip. As I wrote earlier you can create multiple animations in the same clip too. The animation you run (i.e. start frame to end frame) and the graphic you display can be set by variables.
Feb 11, 2011 at 8:08 comment added bummzack You should create a separate class for your MovieClip and write the behavior there. You can then assign the same class to all of your graphics. So the graphic will change, but all will have the same behavior (since they are the same class).
Feb 11, 2011 at 1:57 comment added LoveMeSomeCode That's actually what I tried first. It did work, but the issue I had was this: I have over 2 dozen bitmaps, and I want each tile to use a different one. Otherwise I want them all to react same; same timeline animation, same custom event at the end of each animation etc. Is there a way to where I don't have to add that motion tween and event code to 20 some movie clips if it's all the same except the graphic?
Feb 11, 2011 at 0:53 history answered Alex Schearer CC BY-SA 2.5