I've been thinking of ways that I canto render a rounded rectangle in libgdx. Looking through the documentation I haven't found much that makes it easy to doa pre-built way in the documentation. Some options I've been lookinglooked at include:
The ShapeRenderer, but apparently that's quite expensive performance wise and I'll have to compose it of a polygon perhaps or use circles and rectangles.
Then I've been looking into using the Mesh class, which will probably be quite good performance wise but it feels quite complex to use for such a simple shape. And again, I'd have to create the polygon myself with an algorithm for different sizes of rounded rectangles.
, but that's apparently quite expensive performance-wise and I'll have to compose it of a polygon perhaps or use circles and rectangles.- The
class, which would probably perform well but is complex to use for such a simple shape. Again, I'd have to create the polygon myself with an algorithm for different sizes of rounded rectangles.
I understand that the 2D shape library is quite limited in libgdx and it's not really their focus, but hopefullyCan someone can point me in the right direction here as I'd love to use libgdx for the project I'm working on.?