You can do it in a similar way to keyboard, storing the state by yourself:
enum States {None, GoingDown, GoingUp }
States Current, Previous;
void Update()
Previous = Current;
if (thumbStiscks.Y>0.5 || keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
State = States.GoingUpGoingUp;
else if (thumbSticks.Y<-0.5f || keyState.IskeyDown(Keys.Down)) Sate
State = States.GoingDownGoingDown;
else State = States.None;
if ( Current == States.GoingDown && Previous != States.GoingDown)
&& selected < (buttonList.Count - 1)) {
.. }
else if ( Current == States.GoingUp && Previous != States.GoingUp)
&& selected >0) {
.... selected--;
Maybe a good idea using keyboard to change the Current state too.